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Gennaio in Indonesia: il report di Sofia

La nostra Sofia Peresani sta svolgendo un progetto di volontariato finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+ in Indonesia. In questo breve report ci racconta il mese di gennaio e le sue sensazioni

1. General feelings:

Time is running short!!!! The first half of the project has passed and I want to treasure every single moment and live fully these last two months.

2. What have you been working to during this month?

During this month I worked on a group project with the other volunteers and I helped HO with the writing of an Erasmus+ application, learning more about Erasmus+ project writing. From the second half of the month, I left Denpasar to go for the days on a silent meditation retreat up in the north of Bali, a beautiful and enriching experience.

3. Collaboration with other volunteers:

Collaboration with other volunteers is good, we communicate a lot and we are all very compelled and passionate about the project we are carrying on.

4. Collaboration with HO:

Collaboration with HO is very good. This month I helped writing an Erasmus+ application, it’s been an interesting and rewarding experience: I learned a lot and I thank HO for the opportunity.

5. Spending time with local people:

I always look for opportunities to interact more with local people and in general, I am making many connections: I am part of an Indonesian running group where I am the only foreigner; at the meditation retreat the majority of participants where locals and I plan on joining an Indonesian yoga group.

6. Free time:

In my free time the I run, do yoga, pet the neighbor newborn kittens and go out with the other volunteers. The island is a tropical paradise, there’re plenty of places to discover even after four months.