Scambieuropei develops youth exchange activities and european projects throughout Europe. Our youth activities are diverse and cover a variety of areas.

Erasmus +

Scambieuropei works in Erasmus + KA1, KA2, KA3 projects, regarding youth mobility, international cooperation, exchange of good practices and analysis of innovative policies. Erasmus+ projects have a duration from 5 days to 21 days but it is possible to carry out mobility activities that last few months or a year.

The main target of our activities are people who thanks to those projects are given the opportunity to carry out various kind of personal and professional experiences in Europe: students (from all kind of schools and universities), young people, newgrads, social workers (people working in the training of adults and young people).

Participants can carry out a period of mobility abroad by submitting or participating in projects based on a non-formal (non-university) education method (youth initiatives, peer-to-peer discussions, volunteerism). The projects of the Erasmus+ programme include training courses, cultural exchanges, Erasmus projects for young entrepreneurs, placements abroad, voluntary projects and the European Solidarity Corps.

Young entrepreneurs

“Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” is a cross-border exchange programme for young entrepreneurs or young people who would be entrepreneurs. The programme is funded by the European Commission and operates throughout the participating countries, collaborating with local authorities active in the field of business support (such as chambers of commerce, start-up business support centres, etc.).

Young people interested in taking part in the project will stay at a foreign company specialized in the field of interest of the young person for 1 or 6 months depending on the needs of the young people participating. Future young entrepreneurs will be helped to acquire the skills needed to run a small business in Europe by exchanging knowledge with host entrepreneurs.

Those who participate in the exchange as an entrepreneur will have the opportunity to benefit from meeting new young motivated people who are full of innovative ideas. The young enterpreneurs will then learn skills or specialized knowledge in different areas and those who already own a business will then be able to observe their business from new perspectives, collaborate with foreign partners and learn about new markets.

European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps – former European Voluntary Service – allows young people to carry out an international voluntary activity (mainly in European countries but also in Africa, South America, Asia, Oceania) for a period of 2 to 12 months, working as “European volunteers” in local projects in various sectors.


Scambieuropei is partner of the GIVE (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) project. With the GIVE project and subsequent GIVE2, GIVE3, Scambieuropei works on creating a platform of expertise centres dealing with training and inclusion of young people in disadvantaged conditions.

Through GIVE projects we create trainings, experience and work opportunities for young people in Italy and Europe.

Quality Label

Scambieuropei is an association accredited with the Quality Label from the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani, this brand guarantees a good quality standard for the work of the association in hosting and sending institution activities for volunteers of the Erasmus+ projects and the European Solidarity Corps.

With the voluntary activities of the European Solidarity Corps, Scambieuropei sent 200 volunteers per year for local and digital social activity projects and 60 for mid-term projects about solidarity and activities with refugees.

Erasmus VET

The VET Programme (Vocational Education and Training) is a training programme that allows young people to carry out a training experience abroad for a period from a few weeks to a maximum of 12 months.

Our target are students and recent graduates of technical or professional colleges who intend to carry out a professional internship.

There is a specific Erasmus+ VET staff programme for schools teachers, trainers for business and vocational training centres, and administrative staff, who can go abroad for a short period to carry out a training placement.