Scambieuropei’s mission is to provide and promote youth mobility opportunities in order to help young people in developing their educational and professional skills

Scambieuropei aims to provide and promote youth mobility opportunities to help young people receive a professional training in order to develop their own skills. This is done via activities that include also the promotion of multiculturalism, the exchange of good practices and an “Active European Citizenship”.

The organisation pursues these objectives by implementing and managing programmes which directly involve young people such as Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, training courses and youth exchanges.

Not only Erasmus +

Scambieuropei not only focuses on intercultural projects, our association also focuses on journalism and digital media.

  • Since 2009, our website has been a meeting hub for young Italians and exchange opportunities at European level;

  • Our Facebook page has more than 160,000 subscribers;

  • The Instagram profile of Scambieuropei has more than 8,000 followers;

  • Our website has more than 300,000 visits per month and 750,000 pages.

These are the numbers that allow the organization to involve a large number of young people from all over the country and to promote European mobility for young people!