Tramite l’Associazione Scambieuropei alcuni giovani hanno avuto la possibilità di partecipare allo scambio culturale a Iasi, in Romania. Lo scambio aveva come obiettivo quello di aumentare il livello di consapevolezza dei partecipanti riguardo i problemi ambientali.

“The Happit” youth exchange put together 20 young people from Romania, Italy, Estonia, Poland and was held during the period of 17-25 of October in Iasi Romania. The project aimed to increase the level of wellbeing among young Europeans by applying the principles of building new habits in an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Our objectives were the internalization of the principles of habit development, followed by creating and practicing a set of healthy habits (nutrition, movement and thought) and improving the quality of professional life among the participants.




The activities that were carried out during the youth exchange were based on experiential learning model and peer learning and regards topics as creating habits- as a tool for increasing wellbeing, healthy lifestyle- the context conducive to personal fulfillment, professional potential of young participants, self-knowledge, acquiring learning skills, proactive approach to the challenges.

Non-formal education methods that ensured learning objectives were workshops, role play, planning and organization, outdoor activities, individual and group reflections.




The impact achieved by the project “HAPPIT” was primarily the awareness of the direct and indirect participants that each is responsible for their own well-being, this responsibility being applicable both in the lifestyle and in creating the desired career paths. Moreover, awareness of the responsibility was accompanied by learning and mastering ways of creating habits, in order to increase the well-being among project participants.




The project was funded through Erasmus+ Programme. Involved organizations: Suportis (Romania), 4Youth (Poland), Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia), Scambieuropei (Italy)

Learn more and discover the project results by following the links bellow:


The Happit Brochure:

Power Point Presentation: