A seguire una breve riflessione scritta dalla nostra volontaria ESC Anna, impegnata da marzo a dicembre 2023 presso la comunità Simon di Cork, lavorando a sostegno dei senzatetto

“Tomorrow will be my last shift, so this is just a small recap.

What I did?

I spent 9 months in Cork, Ireland, as a Full-time volunteer of Cork Simon Community in support of people experiencing homelessness.

I’ve volunteer in an residential, then turning into an emergency house, for women experiencing homelessness.

On a daily shift, house duties, chats with the residents and activities to make the house a cozy place for them, were the main things.

In this environment, however, chaotic behaviour and vulnerable situations of the residents, can be challenging, due to the fact that some of them have mental health issues or addictions, so it’s important to act to maintain safety.

What I learnt?

I’ve increased my awareness about homelessness and addictions, breaking stereotypes and learning to act with a non-judgimental approach, both during my shifts and with trainings.

I’ve developed skills regarding learning and reflection process, useful to better comprehend life experiences.

I’ve known more about Irish culture, their tradition and lifestyle.

I’ve opened my perspectives sharing this experience with other volunteers from different country.

How I feel?

I feel grateful to have had this experience, and as one of my colleagues says

“We only live once but if you do it right once is enough”.

Il progetto ESC Cork Simon Community Emergency Shelter è co-finanziato dal programma Corpo europeo di solidarietà dell’Unione europea