I ricordi di Agnese: il volontariato a Sumydi projects@scambieuropei.com12 Marzo 20213 Maggio 2021 Agnese ha svolto il suo volontariato ESC a Sumy, in Ucraina, grazie al progetto Hand in Hand.Hand in Hand è un progetto co-finanziato dal Programma Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà dell’Unione Europea This is the class where I used toteach English on Wednesdays.Particularly, this picture was takenafter we all had a fun hour playingthe game Taboo together anddiscussing about our differentcultures. One of my first days teaching in anew school in Sumy. I was verynervous but at the same time alsovery excited about the possibilityof getting to know students andtheir stories. Here I am standing together withother CEI (Centre forEuroinitiative) volunteers fromItaly, Bulgaria and Germany at asocial event we had organised forthe Day of Europe. It was aninteresting and fun experience inwhich I had the opportunity tomeet many local students andvolunteers. Lascia un commento Annulla rispostaIl tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *Nome * Email * Sito web Commento * Salva il mio nome, email e sito web in questo browser per la prossima volta che commento. Δ