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I ricordi di Agnese: il volontariato a Sumy

Agnese ha svolto il suo volontariato ESC a Sumy, in Ucraina, grazie al progetto Hand in Hand.

Hand in Hand è un progetto co-finanziato dal Programma Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà dell’Unione Europea

This is the class where I used to
teach English on Wednesdays.
Particularly, this picture was taken
after we all had a fun hour playing
the game Taboo together and
discussing about our different
One of my first days teaching in a
new school in Sumy. I was very
nervous but at the same time also
very excited about the possibility
of getting to know students and
their stories.

Here I am standing together with
other CEI (Centre for
Euroinitiative) volunteers from
Italy, Bulgaria and Germany at a
social event we had organised for
the Day of Europe. It was an
interesting and fun experience in
which I had the opportunity to
meet many local students and

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