This training for youth workers, which is a part of the project Youth With a Plan, (implemented by Local Democracy Agency Mostar and funded by ERASMUS +, K2, Capacity Building Youth- Western Balkans), begins on the 2nd of April to 9th.

The project involved 33 participants from 14 youth organizations and 10 countries—Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey, Check Republic, Romania, Italy and Belgium—will attend a week-long training seminar in Mostar (B&H).

The training is intended for youth workers who are already experienced with Youth in Action programs (as participants or leaders), but also to those who want to take it a step further and develop their own international projects in their organizations.

Youth with a Plan” project began on December 1st 2015. The aim of the project is to build capacities of youth workers and project leaders regarding their work and work of their organizations, in order to develop quality international projects about youth engagement within E+/YiA which are in accordance with the priorities E+ program.

Youth with a Plan training provides necessary knowledge about quality preparation, implementation, evaluation and tracking after implementation of activities.


Here below the timetable of the activities of the group:


For further information, download the complete training program.