Chiuse le attività, è il momento di fare il punto sul progetto  “Enterpreneurial Ideas”


“Initiative Sociale” Association, together with its partners: Hellenic Youth Participation (Greece), Scambieuropei (Italy), Europejska Fundacja Edukacy jno-Sportowa (Poland), Asociacion DESES-3 (Spain) and European Youth Bank (Turkey ) announces the completion of project activities “Entrepreneurial Ideas”.

This project is funded by the European Union through the “Erasm us +” Programme, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals – Mobility project for y oung people and y outh workers.

The project group was formed out of a total of 50 participants (43 young people aged between 18 and 30 y ears old and 7 leaders without age limit).

They participated for 10 day s (excluding travel day s) to various activities by means of non-formal education, through which were intended the following: to raise the awareness on the necesity of developing the entrepreneurial spirit, but also to improove the skills and competencies in the domain of entrepreneurship.

Project duration: 18 May – 18 December 2015

Duration of the youth exchange: 17 –27 September 2015

Location of the youth exchange: Eforie Nord, Constanta

The location of the project was Eforie Nord, Constanta county, where the participants had the chance to spend their time in a proper environment for communicating and working in teams in order to accomplish goals regarding the domain of ent repreneurship and also had the oportunity to discover the cultural diversity of each of the participating countries.

The specific objectives of this youth exchange were:

1. Raising the awareness for 43 participants and 7 group leaders on the need to promote and develop entrepreneurship in the current economic context.

2. Raising the awareness of the participants from the 6 participating countries about the importance of young entrepreneurs and their role in shaping the future of European society .

3. Encourage participants to develop entrepreneurial ideas by involving y oung people with fewer opportunities.

4. Writing of concret business plans (start-up) in a multicultural environment.

5. Developing and encouraging the solidarity and tolerance among young people, in particular to strengthen social cohesion in the EU.

6. Creating a network for future collaboration between the project partners.

Regarding the direct results of this project, we can mention the raise of the awareness on the need of promoting and developing entrepreneurship and also the the raise of the knowledge amount in this domain, so that in the future the participants can be able to start up businesses, as potential enterpreneurs.

At the same time, during this youth exchange, the intercultural dialogue and the exchange were facilitated, in order for the participants to succeed to cross the possible cultural barriers. More than that, through the active participation of the participants during all the activities, it existed an intercultural bond which had a positive impact on the entire project.

Moreover, there were also outputs of the project, such as the blog that we created, written in English ( The blog is a platform of communication among participants, different organizations or other persons interested in this youth exchange. At the same time, the blog is a platform of presentation of the photos, movies and different materials done by the participants.

For further information please contact us at the following contact details:

