Name:  INSIGHT – Initiating New Standards in Journalism: Supporting (formerly) Incarcerated Groups with Honor and Tact
Code: 2024-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000256610
Duration: 24 mesi
Consortium: VšĮ “Prirašytos rankos” (Lithuania), SCAMBIEUROPEI ETS (Italy), Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas”(Lithuania), Young Agents of Change (Ukraine), Brodoto (Croatia)

The project

The project focuses on the relation between media and crime, and a young person’s role in it. Our objectives include refining media representation through empowering young media representatives, supporting social reintegration of young (ex-)convicts, improving media literacy, and raising awareness about respectful portrayal of marginalized groups. We aim to achieve these by facilitating collaboration, providing training, and organizing events that challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity.


The project will have 4 WPs: 1) Project Management,
2) Research and Training,
3) Local activities, and
4) Communication and Dissemination.
WP2 activities: research, training & workshops.
WP3 activities: social events, need-based soft skills development program, activities for (ex-)convicts and young media
representatives; launch of the exhibition and multiplier events; creation of the handbook.
WP4: high-level public conference; media campaigns; workshops with universities; result dissemination.


Our project will change the future landscape of crime journalism, making it more humane and, thus, making it easier for (young) (ex-)convicts to reintegrate. The project will engage 153 young media representatives and 202 (young) (formerly) incarcerated people. It will equip both groups with skills that foster a more inclusive society and less biased news coverage.
Through awareness raising activities, 200,000 people will be reached, leading to a more informed and empathetic society.