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Erasmus+ project “InnoVenture: You(th) on the Labour Market”

With the success recorded during the period of November 9-19, 2023, in the activity titled “InnoVenture: Youth in Business” and June 6-16, 2024, in the activity titled “InnoVenture: You(th) on the Labour Market,” the two international youth exchange mobilities organized within the Erasmus+ program have officially concluded their activities.

These were organized within the project No. 2023-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000131090 (Erasmus+ accreditation in the field of youth ID No. 2022-1-RO01-KA150-YOU-000110034). The mobilities took place in the mountain resort of Predeal, bringing together a total of 90 young participants and 17 group leaders from Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey as direct beneficiaries of the implemented

The first main activity of the project, the youth exchange “InnoVenture: Youth in Business,” was implemented during November 9-19, 2023, and aimed primarily at developing entrepreneurial spirit and increasing the level of skills, knowledge, and competencies in the field of entrepreneurship for young people aged 18 to 30.

During this youth exchange, 45 young participants guided by 8 group leaders and 2 facilitators from the participating countries underwent an intensive program of non-formal activities that included intercultural dialogue, cultural exchanges, and various educational methods designed to stimulate initiative and entrepreneurship among young people (writing business plans, creating business promotion videos, etc.).
For more details about this youth mobility and the activities carried out, we invite you to visit its blog: InnoVenture

The second main activity of the project, the youth exchange “InnoVenture: You(th) on the Labour Market,” was implemented during June 6-16, 2024, and aimed primarily at improving the level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become active in the labor market. The 45 young participants, guided by 9 group leaders and 2 facilitators, had the opportunity to share their experiences, learn, and collaborate to find solutions that facilitate
the integration of young people into the labor market. The youth exchange encouraged the development of transversal skills necessary for employment and emphasized the importance of the role of young people in shaping the future European society. To stay updated on what happened during the mobility, you can access its blog: InnoVenture:

The entire project promoted solidarity, tolerance, and social inclusion through cultural and non discriminatory activities, contributing to social cohesion at the European Union level. Additionally, the project facilitated the strengthening of strategic partnerships between the promoters of these youth exchanges, laying the foundation for future fruitful collaborations.

The closure of this project marks an important stage in the personal and professional development of the young participants, who are now better prepared to contribute to the European economy and society.
We thank all participants, partners, and stakeholders for their involvement and dedication, which made the success of this project possible!

Furthermore, to learn more about the activities carried out by the Social Initiatives Association, you can find us on Facebook and on Instagram